Minutes of meeting on Saturday 25th March 2023

14 Apr 2023

Minutes of K Fest meeting, Saturday 25th March
The next meeting will be on Saturday 15th April at 10am

  • We agreed to put money into the HPF account for now.
  • Marlon will circulate the constitution to all on the email list
  • We will set up a Community Association bank account for events such as this, in which several community groups are involved.  This would be an ‘umbrella organisation’ which could then distribute profits etc to the community.
  • We should have trustees from Kirkby Malzeard, Laverton and Dallowgill and from various groups.  Initially there will be an interim group of trustees.
  • We need to compile a note of expenses that are to be recovered later (JA has set up a spreadsheet on the KFest google drive under ‘Accounts’ to keep a note of expenses etc).
  • Funding applications are running behind because of applications related to the coronation
  • Local businesses should be approached for funding
  • Ripon businesses should be contacted to offer publicity (flags and notices) for a fee
  • CARD READERS – We should use HPF’s card readers – they are linked to their bank account
  • Anyone who needs a float/finance in advance should talk to Steve.
Insurance and licences
  • We need to establish which groups/organisations are responsible for each event and do a table.
  • Liability insurance for Saturday night might not be covered by HPF’s insurance – we need to check this.
  • PC is to discuss which areas they will cover and report back
  • HPF is applying for a TENS licence
  • No updates yet!
  • Litter picking – Kirkby in Bloom has litter pickers – they will lead on this
  • We need a reset team on the Saturday tea time
  • And a Sunday morning tidy up team
  • Village decorating needs a co-ordinator!
  • MI has bags of bunting in the shed – Gerry to check that
  • WI plan to yarn bomb for the coronation and will leave it is place for fest.
  • Ilona to research a refill system for people to refill water bottles on the field.
  • There are lots of stalls for Saturday and Sunday, but a gap on Saturday night.
  • Update – Marlon has discussed promoting chippy with QCR code for on-line orders
  • There was a suggestion of asking Johnny Bagdad’s in Masham for Sat night
  • Pies will be organised for the runners on Sunday (Ilona to research)
  • The Black Sheep trailer will arrive at 9am on Saturday
  • On Saturday the vendors’ hours are 11 – 4 (setting up at 9am)
  • Skellgill burgers are going to do 6 – 10 pm on Saturday and 10 – 4 on Sunday
  • WE need to establish who needs power and might need to source a generator
Farm Fest
  • There is an email update from Alli re the dog show.  They need finance for rosettes.
  • Lindsay Atkinson is going to report back to Richard H
  • No news from Young Farmers
First Aid
  • We need to check this at the next meeting
  • Check Ryan Atkinson’s offering
  • JA to pass on Harry’s Dad’s name to Tracy
  • Could we include mobility scooters in the procession?
  • Discuss school kids’ involvement with the school (eg we have a contact at Pateley Bridge who can make wicker models etc)
  • WE need to confirm the start time of the procession
  • The running group need to advertise through running groups then advertise how to pay
  • It costs £150 to affiliate through UK Athletics
  • HPF could lay out the fee and get the licence
  • We confirmed that the Mechanics wouldn’t be used for runner to change
  • The walk will start at the Outdoor Education Centre in Dallowgill
  • The walk will be for 4 miles and will include 7 mosaics
  • Trevor Holmes has been v helpful and has arranged for visitors to use the parking and toilet facilities and to use the facility for refreshments
  • Trevor H also asked for information about the Scarecrow Trail
Children’s Disco
  • The children’s disco will be from 6 – 8 pm for younger children and 8 – 10 for older children
  • Peter is organising food for the older children
Site plan
  • Marlon and Nigel R agreed to look at the site and to discuss the logistics of the performance and the proximity of games etc and the use of the PA system
  • We need a meeting to discuss the marquees asap, to create an inventory and to co-ordinate the size/requirements/locations
  • The next flyer will include detail about the 3 days’ events
  • The May edition of The Fountain goes out on 24th April
  • We need enough information by the next meeting to allow the leaflet to be printed
  • Visitors should be referred to the community website and information needs to be on that
  • We need to plan the map of the village, including car parks.
  • The event should be promoted on social media and by poster
  • There should be a press launch in early April (invite Felicity Cunliffe-Lister) and a banner near the market cross
  • The banner will cost £250
  • We are looking for the lost ‘Welcome to Our Village’ banner – (JA posted a request on fb to look for it!)
  • We need to check if there will be an extra act alongside Hyde Family Jam
  • We need to confirm attendance by the All for One Choir
  • Local children/Youth Club need to inform asap if they want to play in the afternoon (suggest they play within scheduled ‘piped music’ time, if at all)
  • Nige would like a timetable by 15th April
  • Richard H and Jane A have a Wegottickets account and will organise ticketing – this allows us to sell in advance and to sell bus tickets too.
  • We need to book a bus from Atkinsons
  • The entry form could also go out with The Fountain
  • Anyone can be approached to display a scarecrow, including businesses.  Lack of location is no barrier! Scarecrow locations can be found
  • Forms can be downloaded from the website (JA to change the link, which isn’t functioning properly at the moment) and put in the box in the Mechanics.
  • Posters are posted around the village and should also go on the wall of the outdoor centre and in the education centre
  • Chris Floyd could be approached to post in Dallowgill
  • There could be a scarecrow workshop (school? Youth club?)
  • There could be a scarecrow king/queen for the coronation
  • The scarecrow map should be printed by the end of May, so applications need to be in by then
  • Scarecrow trail needs to liaise with Beth and Tony re the history trail.
  • There will be a Wildlife Trust stall
  • There will be a meeting with the overview committee to see how many stalls can fit on the field (done)
  • JA to liaise with local groups to discuss stalls on the Saturday (eg raffles etc)
Youth Fest
  • Funding for circus skills tbc
  • Dance workshop tbc
  • Mike Atkinson has agreed to allow the use of his land
  • Marlon has discussed using the charitable trust land – but there is a problem with access.  This could be used by village residents who don’t need to leave in the evening
  • Dairy – check possibilities
  • Ask Sam Raw
  • Pippa to talk to Derek about parking field locations
  • The new leaflet was shared
  • A flyer is going to go out with the Parish Magazine

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